Honda Genuine parts

Honda Motor Co is an industrial giant that is ahead of everyone in the big four Japanese motorcycle manufacturers and ranks first in the world in motorcycle production. In terms of car production volume, the company is also among the leaders on the planet, occupying a place in the top ten. Like many other businesses, the brand name is also the surname of its founder. With a high-quality product and successful advertising in America, Honda was able to destroy the negative stereotype of a biker and motorcyclist that had been established by the middle of the last century and conquer the fertile American sales market. Currently, the corporation's volume of motorcycles sold exceeds car sales by more than four times. For several decades, the company has been actively involved in the development of motorsports and motorsports. There is a special Racing division for this. A Honda Marine department has been created for water technology. In addition to auto and motorcycle products, the group of companies produces jet aircraft and jet engines for them, which is indicative when compared with competitors in the level of technology and processes. This level allowed the company to become a supplier of engines for cars of several teams participating in the Formula 1 tournament. Honda owns the premium automobile brand ACURA. Now, when, as a result of general globalization, the quality level of almost all the world's leading manufacturers is steadily decreasing, Honda maintains decent quality of its products. Motorcycles of this brand are very popular and loved among experienced motorcyclists, and the cars are considered one of the most reliable among insurance companies.

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