Shock absorber 23487284 General Motors

ManufacturerGeneral Motors
Part number23487284
TypeShocks and struts
Country of originUSA
ConditionGenuine New Part
SupplierUAE 122

About item "SHOCK ABSORBER", 23487284

  • A vehicle suspension element designed to absorb vibrations and shocks between the suspension and the vehicle body.
  • Execution options: gas (gas-filled) gas-oil, oil.
  • Possibility of self-replacement: with basic skills and a special tool.
Find the spare part by part numbers: 23487284

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Product information

ManufacturerGeneral Motors
Part number23487284
TypeShocks and struts
Country of originUSA
ConditionGenuine New Part

About item "SHOCK ABSORBER", 23487284

  • A vehicle suspension element designed to absorb vibrations and shocks between the suspension and the vehicle body.
  • Execution options: gas (gas-filled) gas-oil, oil.
  • Possibility of self-replacement: with basic skills and a special tool.
Find the spare part by part numbers: 23487284